‘어머니 사랑과 평화의 날’ & UN ‘국제 관용의 날’ 기념 캠페인

The love of a mother received for the first time when born into this world.
Her unconditional support for children, consideration, sacrifice, and serving children
are virtuous values that resonate with humanity, transcending nations, ethnicities, and cultures.

The World Mission Society Church of God, which celebrates its 60th anniversary this year,
proclaimed November 1 as ‘Mother's Love and Peace Day
and launches a campaign for communication and harmony, practicing mother's love in daily life every November.

This campaign aligns with the UN's
International Day for Tolerance.
In an age flooded with conflict, violence, and war,
we hope that a mother's love will spread worldwide
and bring about sustainable peace.

The theme for 2024 is
"The Words of Mother's Love that Calls for Peace."

Communicate with heartwarming words of understanding and consideration,
through the "Words of Mother's Love."
Where a mother's love reaches, peace settles.

Intensive Practice Period: Nov. 1 – Dec. 31, 2024

01."How are you?"

The first phrase to peace.

The neighbor you meet in the elevator, the friend you pass in the hallway, the grateful people who take care of and protect the neighborhood…
Greet those you see every day or pass by casually with a hearfelt hello.

02."Thank you. It's all thanks to you. You've worked hard."

Express gratitude even for small efforts and acts of kindness.

Express your gratitude for the hands that prepared a warm meal for you and the kindness that drove you safely to your destination.
As warm hearts come and go, happiness blooms in your familiar daily life.

03."I'm sorry. It must have been hard on you."

A phrase that melts the heart by understanding the other's feelings first.

Do you need a peaceful relationship with someone?
How about reflecting on your words and actions from the other person's perspective?
Apologize for your mistakes and extend your hand first. Peace comes with a humble heart.

04."It's okay. I understand."

A phrase of forgivness that embraces faults.

Anyone can make mistakes.
Kindly embrace those in awkward situations with generosity.

05."Please, after you."

When feeling impatient, take a breath and yield to others.

At the subway turnstile, supermarket checkout, or behind the wheel… try yielding first in busy situations.
A moment of patience brings peace to your day.

06."I'd love to hear more about your thoughts."

When opinions differ, listen more closely to the others.

In a situation where opinions differ and each person asserts their own, please pause for a moment and listen. Respect and consideration for others are the keys to effective communication.

07."I'll pray (or root) for you. Everything will go well."

Offer sincere support and encouragement

Knowing that there are people who support and cheer me on gives me strength in any situation. Please send your heartfelt support and encouragement to those who are going through a difficult situation.

Today, achieve peace through the ‘Words of Mother's Love.'
Participate in the Campaign